Category: Other News

news regarding many goodbuyguys products and other related industry news

How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall? Join the Stagehands Union

I spent a number of years working as a union stagehand, rising to the position of vice-president of my local and enjoying a steady income while seeing lots of great shows.  I gave this sort of work up several years

I’ve Seen The Future-It’s Called “Roku”

I occasionally have lunch at a Chinese restaurant near my office. Next door, there is an empty storefront that used to be a video rental store.  It’s long gone, and the mall owner has had no luck in finding a

I Love My Netbook

  I have battled for a couple of years with a notebook computer I bought before going on vacation.  My notebook had died, and I knew I would need a computer to keep in touch with my office. I could

Let iGoogle Do The Heavy Lifting

Anybody who has tried to us a web service called RSS (Really Simple Syndication) to subscribe to online news, podcasts, blogs, etc. knows that the first “S” in RSS stands for anything but “simple“. In theory, by subscribing to a

Let Your Customers Design Your Web Pages

I enjoy designing and posting web pages for our sites, and try to make sure I put something new online almost every day.  It is really easy to consider a web page to be “finished” when it is posted and

Maybe They Should Rename it “You Learn”

An article in last Sunday’s New York Times made me aware of a new web surfing habit I have developed without even thinking about it. The basis for the Times article was how web users, particularly young peope, were using

What’s In A Name

My last several blog posts have centered on issues related to search engine optimization, and the more I read about this important area of web development, the more I come to realize that not nearly enough time is spent on

A Little Code Won’t Kill You!

I’ve been actively involved in web development for more than ten years now, and that’s where I spend most of my day.  Having had lots of success with getting our web sites found by Google and other search engines, I

Why The Arts Won’t Be Exempt

If you think that those who work in the arts field or in businesses that provide support for the arts will be exempt from the economic downturn?  Think again! I recently came across this article in the The Daily Tar

Hard To Feel Too Bad About This Downsizing

American Express announced today of their intention to reduce their work force by 10%, shedding 7000 jobs over the next year.  It’s rarely good to hear about job cuts, and the current downturn in our economy is impacting everybody. Still,
