Month: January 2012

Whatever Happened To “Seen But Not Heard”?

good idea jeff from

Over the last several weeks I have had the opportunity to visit a number of presentation spaces with installed sound systems-auditorium, lecture halls, churches, etc. It is good to see that line array speaker cabinet technology is now widely embraced

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Google Personalized Search-My 2 Cents Worth

spokesperson for

Our company has done well over the last ten years by building web sites and pages that adhered closely to Google’s guidelines for creating quality content.  We have worked hard to generate content that prospective users and purchasers of our

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This Will Heat Your House, But Only Once

spokesperson for

The arrival of cold weather also means the arrival of regular front page news stories about people burning down their houses through improper extension cord use. It doesn’t have to be that way. The use of electric space heaters with

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