Category: business communication

Amex Takes A Punch To The Gut-Twice!

We’ve accepted the American Express card for online purchase payments for years.  It is something our customers asked for and we were willing to accommodate them, but we didn’t like it. Amex is a bully, is inconsiderate of their real

“Yo?” That’s Right, I Said “Yo”

It seems that some new social networking/messaging service rolls out almost every day and most of them head straight for the bottom of the ocean. Yo just might be different. All Yo does is let you send a single spoken

Can Your Presentation Pass “The Duct Tape Test”?

I edit another blog (product specific) called  It is focused on products used to produce trade shows. Recently I came across a trade show concept called “The Duct Tape Test“.  Obviously, any trade show idea that is focused on

30 Years In The Trenches-What I Really Learned

Until recently, my chosen career was in concert and special event production.  I spent more than 30 years doing sound, lighting, staging and event management.  It was a great run-I got to see the country and make dozens of great

No Time To Scrutinize Your UPS Bill? This Might Change Your Mind

We ship lots of packages by UPS, sometimes as many as 100 in a single day. We think that they do a good job, and we’re always happy to see a brown truck backed up to our loading dock. What

Microsoft Gets It Wrong- Again!

I, for one, was not thrilled when Microsoft promoted from within, naming Satya Nadella as Steve Ballmer’s replacement in the CEO chair. If ever a company needed new eyes, it is Microsoft. Nadella has been at Microsoft for the last

When Is Your Business In Trouble? When There’s No Competition In Your Rear View Mirror

I recently read an interview in on of my favorite trade journals with someone who had started a very successful manufacturing business.  Most of the interview had good insights about starting and maintaining a business, but I was shocked at

The Subject Is The Subject

Or more specifically, the subject line.  As in the subject line of an email. If you are too busy (or lazy) to put something in the subject line of an email that is going to make me want to read

Are Your Ready To Pay For My Free Shipping?

Free shipping is all the rage in e-commerce these days, and it appears that major online retailers have actually convinced internet shoppers that shipping really is free. You don’t have to apply much thought to this before it becomes apparent

Is Amazon Going Into The Sales Tax Business?

We love Amazon Prime.  Someone in our office gets something from Amazon every day, and Prime free shipping is a really strong incentive to just get it from Amazon and forget about shopping around for the best price. I noticed,
