Ready To Make Your Own Glow Tape

ted_head.jpg The idea that the products we sell might someday  be generated organically and thus solve the disposable problems that selling expendables cause is exciting.  I have written about this in the past.

A recent article in  the Telegraph highlights the discovery of bomber worms, an aquatic organism that lives in the Pacific ocean at depths of several miles.  These creatures, up to 3 or 4 inches in length, have the ability to release  fluid-filled balloons which glow in the dark as a way to apparently defend them from predators.  Once the balloons are released, the worms have the ability to regenerate more.

Bomber worm

The chemical science of making glow tape is complicated and requires a multi-step process which creates some environmental waste disposal issues.  A way to do this organically would be a great advance.

Maybe someday the organic process used by the bomber worm will lead us to making glow in the dark products that can regenerate and dispose of themselves. is your online source for Permacel gaffers tape, Duracell Procell batteries, MagLite flashlights, Nashua duct tape, Bay State wire ties, Hosa and Entertainment One extension cords and OnStage Stand mic stands  Click here to sign up for our newsletter.  Here’s a link to our new “How To” animation series.

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