Category: microphones & mic stands

news about microphones – mic stands – and microphone stand products

FCC Gives Wireless Mic Users A Nod

It appears that the FCC may have finally acknowledged that wireless microphone users might deserve a seat at the table when broadcast spectrum is reallocated.  After jerking the rug out from under thousands of microphone owners with it “white space”

Need A Wireless Mic? Don’t Join “The 700 Club”

Even though the FCC ruling regarding outlawing certain types of wireless mics has been in effect for more than two months, there are lots of unscrupulous vendors still selling equipment designed to 0perate in the restricted 700 MHz (698 MHz

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Revisiting The Wireless Mic “White Space” Issue

Back in June, right after the FCC ruling regarding banning wireless mics that operate in the 700MHz “white space” broadcast spectrum, I made a  prediction. That prediction was that the FCC would let those major telco companies that had bought

Now That It’s The Law, Who Will Enforce It?

June 12 has come and gone and as of last Saturday, the new FCC law regarding wireless microphones operating in the 700 MHz frequency range is now in effect.  This means that anyone using a wireless device (microphone, in ear

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White Space Debate-It’s Not Just Wireless Mics

The ongoing discussion regarding the FCC’s new ruling on wireless mic frequencies seems to have left out a really important  group of products and users that are impacted by this ruling. Wireless intercom, ” in ear” wireless monitors (IEM,s), wireless

FCC Shines A Little Light On New White Space Uses

After making its announcement that June 12, 2010 would be the last date to legally use wireless microphones that occupy what is known as the 700mHz band (also known as “white” space), the FCC has given the first official word

Since When Is Google An Entrepeneur?

This blog has been following the “white space” debate (issues regarding reallocation of broadcast spectrum used for wireless mics) for some time.  What appears as a “final decision” by the FCC regarding the date for ending use of the 700MHz

The Final Word-For Now

The FCC has issued yet another “final ruling” regarding reallocation of the 700 mHZ broadcast spectrum, that part of the spectrum used, until recently, for wireless microphones. As reported in the New York Times (Jan. 16, 2010), the FCC is

A Round Peg In A Square Hole

Recent responses to an older blog posting about using XLR connectors on speaker cables caught me by surprise. It  got me  thinking about how ongoing evolution in this connector system has allowed it to stay relevant through generation after generation

This Thing Is Too Smart To Be Called A Phone

Last Saturday I attended a women’s basketball game at UNC Chapel Hill, my alma mater.  A major multi-million dollar renovation of Carmichael Auditorium was being unveiled and I was anxious to see the upgrades to the building where I worked
