Now That It’s The Law, Who Will Enforce It?

mike2June 12 has come and gone and as of last Saturday, the new FCC law regarding wireless microphones operating in the 700 MHz frequency range is now in effect.  This means that anyone using a wireless device (microphone, in ear monitoring system, wireless instrument) operating in this reallocated frequency range is now an outlaw.

Thousands of churches, schools and entertainment venues have not yet replaced their 700 MHz equipment and may think that they don’t have to.  The common sentiment seems to be that the FCC doesn’t have the capacity to monitor local use all over the country, so individual users aren’t likely to be found out.

The point that these scofflaws are overlooking is that there is someone with much greater interest in their wireless mic use than the FCC and this will make enforcing the new law a whole lot easier.

The major telecommunications companies that paid billions for the right to exclusive use of this spectrum are the ones that are going to make the law work.  They can simply report trespassers to the FCC and then stand back and let the government do the dirty work.

Since companies like AT&T and Verizon have nationwide presence in thousands of communities, they will be able to quickly identify those users who operate now illegal 700MHz devices and force the FCC to take action.  Since the auction price was so high, those who now control access to this part of the broadcast spectrum will probably show little patience with those who don’t upgrade and replace their equipment.

Fines will be steep, particularly since the FCC can make a case that unauthorized use of these devices can potentially endanger the public.  One of the uses for the reallocated spectrum is for public safety broadcasts and wireless devices that potentially interfere with that sort of communication will have serious consequences. is your online source for Permacel gaffers tape,Duracell Procell batteries,  Nashua duct tapeBay State wire tiesHosa and Entertainment One extension cords and OnStage Stand mic stands.  More information about this subject is at

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