Category: good business ideas

Solving The Speakon Mystery

One of the most common questions we get is about using our Speakon connector equipped speaker cables.  It’s a good question and it is very easy to understand why a customer might be confused. There are three versions of the

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We Could See This One Coming

We count lots of smaller, mid-market arenas as good customers, and have been in the supply business for long enough to see lots of changes in the development of 3000-10,000 seat venues.  While it’s great to have new customers,  it

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And Now For My Second Act…

I have written before about how live event production is failing to attract new, young talent and how this industry, particularly concert sound production, continues to “gray”. The most recent edition of Front of House magazine (one of my favorite

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What Do Travelers Want? More Holes In The Wall

There was nothing really surprising in a recent article in The New York Times about amenities that travelers want.  They want outlets to plug in all the electronic gadgets they travel with. After spending a few days in a very

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Can “Less” Mean More? Maybe This Time

Glow Tape From

Someone from our shipping department handed me a roll of glow tape yesterday and said it was mislabeled.  The box said 1 inch by 10 yards (our standard size) but the roll was obviously smaller in diameter (shorter) and weighed

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When Using Google Is Just Too Hard

I spend a lot of time doing customer service.  The products we sell lead to many application-related customer questions, and since I have the most “hands on” experience using the products we sell, answering these questions often falls to me.

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Customer Service-It’s Not About “Nice” Anymore

Lately, it seems that we are having to spend just about as much time managing relationships with our suppliers as we spend with our customers.  It shouldn’t be that way, but you do what you have to do. One of

Where Will New Techs Come From? Here Is One Answer

Awhile back, I observed how the pool of concert and special event technicians was aging out and posed a question regarding where new technicians would be coming from.  Little has changed since I posted that article.  The median age for

Google Maps Pays A Visit

Imagine my surprise when I put our business address into the navigation function of my phone and was served up a picture of our loading dock.  Not the picture that we posted on our web site, but a picture I

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The Only Thing They Grow On This Farm Is Money

My Facebook page was constantly clogged with friends’ postings about games like Farm Ville and Mafia Wars, so I was really happy when someone showed me how to eliminate this sort of posting to my feed.  “Yes, I like you,
