Category: customer service

A Seasonal Reminder From Google Alerts

I use the Google Alerts notification system in order to track information about our customers, products and vendors.  It’s a great time saver and turns up a lot of unexpected information. One of my alerts is set to the search

Can You Hear Me Now?

When I called AT&T this morning to inquire why my IPhone wasn’t working, I didn’t really expect it would become a big deal. After 10 minutes on hold, the customer service rep I finally spoke with informed me that my

When A Mailbox Full of Spam Is Worth The Irritation

I’ve been doing business on the internet for almost 15 years and have my email address on hundreds of web pages.  Needless to say, I get a lot of pointless email. Still, the thousands upon thousands of spam messages I

How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall? Join the Stagehands Union

I spent a number of years working as a union stagehand, rising to the position of vice-president of my local and enjoying a steady income while seeing lots of great shows.  I gave this sort of work up several years

Put Some Power In Your Clicks

Google news alerts served up this article today about a new Duracell program to distribute flashlights and batteries to fire departments. Duracell’s “Hours of Power” program will make donations  to fire departments  in New York, Chicago, Knoxville Tenn., Springfield Mo.

A Job That Comes With A Target On Your Back

As part of their plan to roll out a retail store initiative, Microsoft is hiring away Apple Store employees to run the new Microsoft Stores. These ever loyal Apple employees are apparently jumping at the chance to make a little

My Phone Needs Another Button

 The ability to make a free (or almost free) phone call by using a computer with a broadband connection is a great innovation. It opens up lots of opportunities for new telcom services and helps keep the big phone companies

New Newsletter On the Way

We’re getting ready to roll out a brand new newsletter with lots of tips, product information and other useful stuff.  We look forward to including you in this community. Sign up here.     Sign Up for the Good

These Guys Are “First” Among Our Favorite Customers

We got a nice gaffers tape order this morning from the First robotics competition and we are excited about working with this customer. The first several times we got online orders from “usfirst“, frankly we thought they were coming from

We Live And Die With The Arts

We built our online and catalog business with the support of many small local and regional arts groups, and their health is essential to our ongoing success.  These are not the best of days for this kind of organization. I
