Category: batteries

procell batteries and other battery related news

This Mic Does It All

Its been a while since I reviewed a cool new microphone. Calling the new FlashMic form HHB a microphone is like calling a computer a typewriter. Microphone just begins to describe this great new technology. The FlashMic combines a handheld

Take It Out of One Box-Put It In Another Box

We are breaking in a new customer service person today, and I always have to stop when we have a new employee to marvel at how a business like ours can exist at all. We don’t actually make anything and

Why The Internet Hates Miles Davis

Miles Davis, the famous jazz trumpeter, once said “don’t play what’s there, play what’s not there”. That may be great advice for a musician learning to improvise, but it would not have gotten much traction with internet search engines. When

At The Bottom of The Food Chain

I always enjoy seeing synergy between our customers, even when they might not know that they all have a common relationship with us. When you sell an item everybody uses over and over (we call it “being at the bottom

Can Something Be “Smart” If It Doesn’t Exist

If you check by here periodically, you know that I have written several times about the proposed change in wireless mic frequency allocation and how it might impact the pro sound industry. The plot thickens. On the positive side, US

Maybe We Should Sell Car Batteries

You don’t usually think of car batteries as expendables, but it looks like that is changing. An interesting article in this weeks Wall Street Journal talks about how the demands of today’s electronic-laden cars are taking a real toll on

Time To Change That Smoke Detector Battery

Daylight savings time starts this weekend. The clock is being set forward three weeks earlier this year and some confusion is probably in order. One thing you don’t want to be confused about is the need to change your smoke

An Education In Your Mailbox

I spend several hours a day reading, and the bulk of my time is spent with technical journals. I never cease to be amazed at how willing publishers of magazines oriented towards the entertaiment production and audio visual industries are

Wireless Trouble On The Horizon?

Our primary involvement with wireless mics is as a battery supplier. That wasn’t always the case. For many years we operated a special events and sound equipment rental business, and wireless mics were a big part of what we did.

A Day To Celebrate

Several months back I wrote about our new web site and our web developer, Dale. I predicted that his efforts would move to page one for non-paid Google search. It took a little longer than we hoped, but Dale
