Category: good business ideas

Why Apple TV Is A Non-Starter

Rumors of Apple bringing a television to market have been around for several years, and every time they prepare a new product announcement, there is lots of speculation among the technorati, that it will be an Apple TV. I think

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Time To Change More Than The Time!

I’m not sure who originally came up with the idea to link the change to and from daylight savings time to remembering to change your smoke detector battery, but I would like to shake their hand. This is a great

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Whatever Happened To “Seen But Not Heard”?

good idea jeff from

Over the last several weeks I have had the opportunity to visit a number of presentation spaces with installed sound systems-auditorium, lecture halls, churches, etc. It is good to see that line array speaker cabinet technology is now widely embraced

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Google Personalized Search-My 2 Cents Worth

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Our company has done well over the last ten years by building web sites and pages that adhered closely to Google’s guidelines for creating quality content.  We have worked hard to generate content that prospective users and purchasers of our

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This Will Heat Your House, But Only Once

spokesperson for

The arrival of cold weather also means the arrival of regular front page news stories about people burning down their houses through improper extension cord use. It doesn’t have to be that way. The use of electric space heaters with

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Question: Who’s Your Daddy? Answer: Not GoDaddy

spokesperson for

Online host and domain registrar is staring down the barrel of a gun, held collectively by its customers who are unhappy with the internet giant’s waffling response to the pending “Stop Online Piracy Act” now moving through Congress. Godaddy

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Tis The Season To Be Careful

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Every holiday season seems to bring a tragic story of a young child who choked on the battery contained in a new Christmas toy.  A few simple precautions can make this story a tale from the past. Particularly dangerous are

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Battery Recycling Finally Lands In The Right Laps

The Wall Street Journal’s online publication, Market Watch, reports that the  presidents of the five major alkaline battery manufacturers in the United States met last week in an attempt to move forward a major initiative on consumer battery recycling. This

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‘Tis The Season To Be Wary

spokesperson for

I’m listening to a Wall Street Journal podcast about counterfeit merchandise, and am reminded that Christmas is high season for the sale of counterfeit batteries. Importers and unscrupulous retailers can dramatically boost their bottom line by taking a low quality

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Cold Wind Blowing? Here’s The Best $6.19 Investment You Can Make!

Thanksgiving around here usually ushers in the first period of really cold weather. Winter may not be here yet, but you get some hints about what is around the corner. There is no single better winter-proofing product than a roll

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