Year: 2011

Wondering how to choose a good mic stand?

Wondering how to choose a good mic stand? Here are some suggestions. What type of microphone will you be using? It you plan to use the same mic, or mics of the same size, then you will only need to

Monster Cable Says “Thank You” But “No, You’re Not Invited”

We sell speaker cables.  Lots of cables.  They are intended for the pro audio market and and work great in high end concert  and audio visual production.  They’re fairly priced   and come with a solid guarantee. I’m always amazed at

Its Gotta Be Black

A good portion of our live event production work involved providing amplification of live television events for audiences. It was exciting work and live television was a real challenge. I loved it. We still occasionally do this sort of work

Google Maps Pays A Visit

Imagine my surprise when I put our business address into the navigation function of my phone and was served up a picture of our loading dock.  Not the picture that we posted on our web site, but a picture I had never

How Do We Get Rid of These Things?

One of the unfortunate aspects of expendable sales, is they create a lot of waste. Batteries are an important part of modern day life, but it does present a waste issue. Even recycleable batteries must be disposed of once they

How NOT to tape down a cable.

We still occasionally rent sound equipment, and I just finished checking in a small sound sytstem rented by a student group. WHAT A MESS! These guys had carefully taped down all the mic and speaker cables using duct tape-not the

Wireless Mic Folklore

As someone who has owned and used wireless microphones for years and now sells lots of batteries for them, wireless mic folklore has been part of my work life for years. Recently, I had a chance to examine something that

Duct tape goes back in time!

Periodically, I talk about our customers finding new uses for our products, and I always end the blog by asking you to let us know if you come across an interesting new use for something we sell. We get some

Why Does This Device Stay Trapped In The 1950’s?

I was adding some components to our office alarm system yesterday and had to plug in a new outboard power supply (wall wart) to power it. While there was a spare outlet (two, actually) available, the two power supplies already

A real world test for wire ties

There’s nothing like a real world test to let you know if a product performs as got its start doing hands on special event and concert production and began selling the products we used all the time. We don’t
