Year: 2007

Justin Timberlake’s Phone Number

If you carry a cell phone, you know how easy it is to receive calls, no matter where you are. Your phone number works all over the country. Folks who use VOIP phone services like Skype and Vonage can plug

Sad Day For The Sports Page

I’ve never been a big sports fan, but I began to follow some major sports when we had a chance to supply some very high profile events like the Super Bowl, NFL Playoffs, and The Kentucky Derby, etc. Knowing that

Why Can’t We Sell MagLites?

After working on it for almost a year, last summer we were finally able to get a dealership for MagLites. I have enjoyed using these flashlights for years (every stagehand has one) and I was confident that the would be

Do You Really Want This In Your Hand?

I have periodically written in this space about the problems with using rechargeable batteries in wireless microphones. My primary concern regards being able to accurately predict the discharge rate for this type of battery and the problems they can cause

Who Goes First

I have written a number of times about the recent retiring of the Permacel brand name for gaffers tape. It has caused a minor upheaval in our marketing and shipping departments, but most customers seem willing to accept the change.

I’m Not An Ebay Fan

We’ve been trying, with some success, to establish an Ebay presence for some time. Our Ebay store, BuyMicStand, has had some limited sales success and I guess we will stick with it for awhile longer. The difficulty of posting. selling,

Why I Buy Gasoline In The Afternoon

There is a new gas station down the road from us that has one of the cleverest pricing schemes I have ever seen. The highway this station is on has recently been widened and a median added so southbond traffic

Just One of 147,000,000

I periodically analyze something called a “web log,” which gives us information about how many visitors we have to our sites and how they arrive there. One of my primary interests is in the analysis of search terms, as this

Los Lonely Boys

We have quite a few touring acts as customers, but its rare when we get an order from one that everyone in our office gets excited about. A battery order that we got overnight has everybody humming “Heaven“. We love

Putting First Things First

We’ve made some changes here recently that have meant that I now have additional web developer responsibilities. It is work that I enjoy, but it can be complicated. The learning curve is steep. One of the new tasks that has
