“Yo?” That’s Right, I Said “Yo”

spokesperson for goodbuyguys.comIt seems that some new social networking/messaging service rolls out almost every day and most of them head straight for the bottom of the ocean.

Yo just might be different.

All Yo does is let you send a single spoken word (is it really a word?) to someone, or everyone on your network. “Yo” is slang for “Hello” in some cultures, but it really has no meaning of its own.

In a moment of weakness, I downloaded the app to my phone, and then realized that there was no one in my Yo network, so there was nothing I could do with it.

Just to see how it worked, I joined the soccer World Cup network. All that did was cause my phone to chirp a “Yo” every time a goal was scored. It did not tell me who had scored or even who was playing. Just a notification of a goal being scored.

Today, a new and really fascinating and valuable use for the Yo app has surfaced and it is making a difference in peoples lives.

The Israeli goverment is sending out “Yo’s” to everyone who joins the network to let them know of a possible incoming missle launched as a result of the ongoing escalating tensions with Hamas.

Suddenly, a simple “one to many” message that everyone can get quickly and understand is starting to make sense.

Keep your eye (and ears) on Yo. It may have a life after all.

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