Category: gaffers tape

gaffers tape topics

Blowin’ In The Wind

It’s outdoor show season, and that means that drought stricken areas all over the country are planning elaborate and expensive outdoor events so they can make it rain. It’s all but guaranteed that 30 minutes before the event is over,

What’s Google Up To Now?

Have you heard of Google knol?  I hadn’t either until yesterday. Knol is an acronym created by Google, and it means “a unit of knowledge“. Knol is a new content creation index from Google that has a lot of similarities

These Guys Are “First” Among Our Favorite Customers

We got a nice gaffers tape order this morning from the First robotics competition and we are excited about working with this customer. The first several times we got online orders from “usfirst“, frankly we thought they were coming from

Google Says “Find Your Niche”!

There are probably as many theories about how to optimize a web site for search engines as there are web developers who do search engine optimization. Some developers do a really good job of making a web site more “search

Don’t Like Going To The Dentist? Just Chew On Duct Tape!

A recent article in Science News reveals an amazing tape fact.  The simple act of unwinding a roll of tape generates X-Rays.  Not just a few random rays-enough to actually expose a piece of dental x-ray film! Scientists at UCLA

Is There A Place For Us In The Green Theatre Initiative?

I recently came across an interesting article in Stage Directions magazine and it leads to a discussion that we need to be a part of. The article, by Mike Lawler, features Gideon Banner of the Green Theatre Initiative .  It

Finally, A Little Good News

It is something of a stretch for me to go from selling audio visual supplies to watching the commodity markets. Unfortunately, volatility in the base components of everything we sell means that this vital information just can’t be ignored. Between

Now That’s Some Cool Tape

After being in the tape business for twenty years, it’s not every day that learn something new. When a customer shares a new tip with us, I enjoy passing it along to you. We’ve been working with the US Volleyball

Is This The “BandAid” Of The Tape World

I got a call this morning from a stage designer who had been asked to finish temporary stage with a “Marley” floor. We don’t sell portable dance floors, but we do score well with Google Search for the term “Marley

Give ‘Em An Inch, They’ll Take A Mil!

No, that’s not a misprint. I really did mean “mil“. I recently came across an online ad for duct tape that listed this information under “roll length”. 60 Yds.-180 Ft.-55 Meters Yes, a standard roll of duct tape or gaffers
