Category: Other News

news regarding many goodbuyguys products and other related industry news

Duct Tape Science-Don’t Try This At Home!

Duct tape has moved into prime time recently, thanks to some shows on the popular television program Mythbusters.   The Mythbusters are testing the limits of duct tape strength by doing things like taping a car to a pole (who hasn’t

Who’s The Winner Here? Probably Not You

This week’s announcement that the US Justice Dept. would allow the merger of Live Nation and Ticketmaster is a game changer for the entertainment industry. If you’ve attended a major concert or other arena event recently, you realize that you

Since When Is Google An Entrepeneur?

This blog has been following the “white space” debate (issues regarding reallocation of broadcast spectrum used for wireless mics) for some time.  What appears as a “final decision” by the FCC regarding the date for ending use of the 700MHz

How We Treat Our Best Customers

I rarely go to the grocery store during the week, but I was out of the office this morning and stopped by to pick up something for lunch. I grabbed a couple of items and jumped in the express line. 

Think Twitter Doesn’t Matter? Dell Knows Better!

Dell’s recent failure to deliver Christmas computers before the big day has proven the power of Twitter in a big way.  Tweets about products and delivery times have caught the attention of no less than the New York Times. Every

When Is A Holiday Not A Holiday

Lately, it seems that the day before a holiday has become a de-facto holiday.  That’s not  exactly the way I would recommend digging out of the worst recession in 75 years. Our UPS pickup driver just dropped by to let

A Big Loss For Pro Sound

I was saddened to learn today of the death of Ross Ritto, one of the pioneers in the modern sound reinforcement industry.  Ross had a direct impact on my entry into pro sound and it was always good to come

Google Eats Its Young

Hot on the heels of the roll out of the Motorola Droid, a smart phone that uses the Google mobile operating system, there are now confirmed rumors that Google plans to release its own smart phone-Google designed and Google branded-after

Hey AT&T. What Part of “Unlimited” Don’t You Understand?

One of the best parts of my day is the time I spend reading the New York Times.  It seems to be one of the few daily papers that is holding its own, at least when it comes to generating

Droid No IPhone Killer. Prefers To Kill One App At A Time

 Lots has been written about whether the new Motorola/Verizon Droid cell phone will be an IPhone killer.  I’ve used both and think I can see the future. No question, the IPhone is easier to use and has an elegant feel
