Category: duct tape

Putting First Things First

We’ve made some changes here recently that have meant that I now have additional web developer responsibilities. It is work that I enjoy, but it can be complicated. The learning curve is steep. One of the new tasks that has

Shurtape 665

We continue to suffer fallout from the retiring of Permacel as the brand name for 665 gaffers tape. While customers who have agreed to be shipped the Shurtape version of this product seem satisfied, the long range prospects for this

Duct Tape Revisits the War of the Roses

It seems that Portland Oregon, the home of the Rose Festival Parade is ready to go to war over duct tape. For years local tradition has allowed parade attendees to mark out and reserve prime parade viewing locations with duct

Why The Internet Hates Miles Davis

Miles Davis, the famous jazz trumpeter, once said “don’t play what’s there, play what’s not there”. That may be great advice for a musician learning to improvise, but it would not have gotten much traction with internet search engines. When

How’s This For Return On Investment?

Most of our gaffers tape customers use gaffers tape for securing cables to the floor. The keep people from tripping over wires when its necessary to run cables across a stage or in an area where there is lots of

The Rise and Fall of Tax Breaks

I’ve lived in North Carolina my entire life and have been in some aspect of the entertainment business since the mid 1970’s. North Carolina is a healthy business environment and I have been at this long enough to have survived

The Best Thing About Daylight Savings Time

Daylight savings time began yesterday, and the best part of an extra hour of daylight is the chance to get into the garden after work. Yesterday was a beautiful early spring day and the extra hour was put to good

Apply Before Wetting!

We’ve had a satisfaction guaranteed warranty for everything we sell since the day we opened. Its unusual for someone to have a problem, but we are always happy to stand behind the guarantee, no matter why the customer is unsatisfied.

The case for an IPOD case.

Yahoo recently did a very unscientific survey of the kind of cases people used for their iPods, and the results were pretty amazing. The number four choice was DUCT TAPE. That’s right, the duct tape wallet craze has moved on
