Year: 2008

When Is A Speakon Not A Speakon?

The addition of to our family of web sites has led to an interesting question regarding Speakon connectors. The Speakon, first introduced by Neutrik (a German company) has become the new standard for professional audio. As with most

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The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

I retired for active involvement in the sound business just at the time when digital mixers were being introduced into the sound reinforcement industry. Consequently, I have observed from the sidelines as this change in technology moved into the live

Are We Living In The Clouds?

I listen to a lot of tech-centric podcasts, and recently have been regularly hearing a computer phrase called “cloud computing“. It sounded interesting but I kept forgetting to find out what it was really all about. Turns our we have

I Guess We Just Thought We Were Through With EBAY!

I wrote back in February regarding our unhappiness with EBAY and the decision to close our store, BuyMicStand. We sold a lot of stuff, but the fee structure was so complicated and weighted against the merchant, it was almost impossible

Maybe Digital TV Is A Good Idea Afterall

I must admit that I have been a skeptic about digital television. From the beginning, this looked like a bandwidth grab by the telcom industry, engineered by the FCC, and insuring that the rich got richer. Between the reallocation of

These Guys Really Get It

One of the unexpected benefits of running a web based business is the ability to find out a lot about your customers in a hurry. Most of our customers have web sites and we always take a look at how

How Much Longer Will We Need This Analog Link?

When asked about the invention of the automobile, Henry Ford said “If I’d asked people what they wanted, they would have asked for a better horse.” Ford realized early on that a potential purchaser of his invention had no way

So Long, Ebay

After a year of swimming upstream in a effort to sell our products on ebay, we’ve decided to hang it up. Thru an ebay store called buy mic stand, we have been selling microphone stands using their “buy it now”

Now That’s Some Cool Tape

After being in the tape business for twenty years, it’s not every day that learn something new. When a customer shares a new tip with us, I enjoy passing it along to you. We’ve been working with the US Volleyball

Is This The “BandAid” Of The Tape World

I got a call this morning from a stage designer who had been asked to finish temporary stage with a “Marley” floor. We don’t sell portable dance floors, but we do score well with Google Search for the term “Marley